Sunday, October 17, 2010

"This whole week has pretty much been in Adelaide. We had a two day training during the week in Adelaide. And then on Sunday was Stake Conference."

October 17, 2010

Hello from Mt Gambier!

Shaylee passed her baptism interveiw! She is set for the 23rd of October.This whole week has pretty much been in Adelaide. We had a two day training during the week in Adelaide. And then on Sunday was Stake Conference. It was fun seeing all of the missionaries and blitzing thier areas.

In Murray Bridge area we had tea at a members home and then we had a family home evening with my two recent converts, Kevin and Bart. Also two nonmembers were there. They are friends of Kevin. The two nonmembers are named Tony and Joe. We taught them about the Atonement and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We committed them to baptism for the first week of December. Joe since then has finished reading the Book of Mormon. I also visited some of my old investigators in Murray Bridge.

In Mt Barker area i taught a 23 year old woman named Fiona who was going to be baptised in 2 days. Her best friend was also there sitting in. Multiple principles were taught in this lesson. I taught Fiona about the Law of the Fast, Temples, Covenants, Book of Mormon, Tithing and about the Holy Ghost. So we pretty much just went over heaps of different things, wherever the conversation led. She did end up being baptised on the Saturday.

In the Marion area i had tea at a members home with investigators from Liberia. Thier names were Daniel and Korpo. They are going to be baptised the same weekend as Shaylee in Mt Gambier. They are married with two young children. We taught about the Baptismal Covenants and enduring to the end.

In Happy Valley area we did heaps of finding. I was with an Elder that is from Ireland, he was baptised a year and a half ago. This is his first transfer. We ended up finding three new investigators that day.

Stake Conference was excellent, we had a General Authority address us as well as President Poulton, my mission President. So it was a good week, set some baptism dates as well as strenghten some other baptismal dates for other missionaries. I was indeed homesick for Mt Gambier though. I am glad to be back and progress people in my area.

On our way home just today. Elder Clark and I went to the “Naracoorte Caves”. It is a World Heritage site. It is the only one in South Australia. We went into some long caves and looked at fossils. It was pretty cool. Well we are going to prepare for the rest of this week. Happy Birthday to Keaton! I apologize for not keeping track of other peoples birthdays, but im busy.

Love you all heaps.

-Elder Montgomery

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